B.S. in Information Science and Technology
This is may be the major for you if you are currently studying: Computer Science, Business Administration, Accounting, Systems Administration, Health Information Technology, or Engineering.
Possible careers:
Data Science, Web Development, Systems Analysis, and Information Technology
- Calculus (MAT 220 at Pima), or MATH 113 (MAT 212 at Pima)
- Second semester of a foreign language
- Arizona residents are encouraged to complete an AGEC before transferring and California residents are encouraged to complete an IGETC
Example classes:
You'll take 5 "intensive computing courses."
- ISTA 416: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
- ISTA 331: Principles of Data Science
- ISTA 424: Virtual Reality
- ISTA 350: Programming for Informatics Applications
- ISTA 451: Game Development
Note: ISTA 130, a required core class, is an introductory Python programming class. CSC (Computer Science) 110 at the UA is now equivalent to 130. However, if you have programming classes not in Python, we do require you to take ISTA 130. Students at Pima should take CIS 129 in Python if possible or, if available, CIS 185: Introduction to Python
B.A. in Information Science and the Arts
This is may be the major for you if you are currently studying: Visual Arts and Digital Arts, Liberal Arts, Library Science, Human Resources, Business Administration, or Computer Science.
Possible careers:
Game Design, Digital Marketing, Systems Analysis, Human Resources
- College Algebra or MATH 107 (MAT 141 or 142 at Pima)
- Fourth semester of a foreign language
- Arizona residents are encouraged to complete an AGEC before transferring and California residents are encouraged to complete an IGETC
Example classes:
As a B.A. student you will take the same core classes as B.S. students, but only one "intensive computing course" and at least 4 "computational arts" courses.
- ISTA 301: Computing and the Arts
- ISTA 302: Technology of Sound
- ISTA 303: Introduction to Creative Coding
- ISTA 251: Introduction to Game Design (GAM 201 and 218 at Pima)
B.A. in Information Science and eSociety
This is may be the major for you if you are currently studying: Digital Arts and Film, Fashion Design, Retailing and Consumer Science, Business, Psychology, Communication, Journalism, or Library Science.
Possible careers:
Digital Marketing, Human Resources, Social Media Specialist
- College Algebra MATH 107 (MAT 141 or 142 at Pima), Philosophy 110 (PHI 120 at Pima) or Linguistics 123
- Fourth semester of a foreign language
- Arizona residents are encouraged to complete an AGEC before transferring and California residents are encouraged to complete an IGETC
Example classes:
You can take more technical classes in web design and data science, but can also take a non-technical, social sciences-focused route. The degree has a great deal of flexibility, and few prerequisites.
- ESOC 211: Collaborating in Online Communities
- ESOC 213: The Past and New Media
- ESOC 300: Digital Storytelling and Culture
- ESOC 317: Digital Crime and Social Media
- ESOC 400: Information, Multimedia Design, and the Moving Image
Transfer Credit
Before transferring, you can contact Transfer Articulation with questions about transfer credit. You can consult the Transfer Credit Guide, or contact Transfer Articulation directly with questions or unofficial transcripts.
We recommend that you contact Transfer Articulation before contacting a UA academic advisor if you have questions about how much credit will transfer. Advisors can then guide you about how your credit will apply to your Arizona degree.
Transfer Orientation and Next Steps!
Once you’ve accepted to the University of Arizona as a transfer student, it’s important to sign up for a Transfer Orientation through your Next Steps center. You will not be able to register for classes until you attend an orientation, and your advisor will be present at your Orientation!