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Graduate Funding


It is highly recommended for all students to file for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who file for FAFSA may qualify for assistance through Pell Grants or student loans. Need based awards and departmental funding require students to have their FAFSA filed.

There are numerous ways to financially support your graduate education, including assistantships, fellowships, scholarship programs, financial aid and other funding opportunities. Many of these opportunities have priority application deadlines each semester.

Graduate Assistantships

Many of our students are employed as graduate assistants to help with teaching, research and ongoing projects. Both new and continuing students are eligible to apply for assistantships. Relevant work and teaching experience is preferred. Prospective graduate assistants must meet all general eligibility requirements.

Graduate assistants receive a salary in addition to reduced registration costs, non-resident tuition waivers, discounts at the student bookstores and individual health insurance coverage. Appointments may be for the academic year or for a semester; they may be .25 time (10 hours of work per week) or .5 time (20 hours of work per week). All graduate assistants must complete mandatory training at both the university and departmental levels before beginning employment.

We are currently not accepting applications for Graduate Assistantships at this time.

Apply online

Departmental Funding

We do offer some departmental funding to graduate students based on academic achievement. Both current students and new applicants are eligible to apply for departmental funding. Students need to re-apply each semester. It is recommended that domestic main campus students who apply for departmental funding  also file to The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program (online students do not qualify for departmental funding). 

Please note an application is not a guarantee of funding in the School of Information. 

General Eligibility Requirements (once accepted into the program):

  • Must be enrolled in least 6 units as a degree-seeking student
  • Satisfactory progress toward degree (minimum GPA of 3.0)
  • Must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student in the main campus program - online students do not qualify for departmental funding (may be eligible for named scholarships below)
  • Students who have not matriculated into a degree or certificate program are not eligible for departmental funding

Application Deadlines:

  • March 15 for Fall semester
  • October 1 for Spring semester
  • School of Information departmental funding for Summer is not available

For any questions or concerns, please contact Admissions ( or 520-621-3565.


Apply Online


We offer a variety of scholarships to students in our graduate degree or certificate programs. Scholarships are grants of money for use in paying the costs of your education and are awarded on the basis of financial and/or academic achievement.

In addition to the general requirements for departmental funding (listed above) some scholarships have special requirements for eligibility, application, and maintenance. The amount of the monetary award varies with the scholarship and available funding (see application for list of named scholarships that will be available for funding distribution). Need based awards require you file the FAFSA form or Financial Aid Calculation for International Students. That form can be found at the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid website. 

Application Deadlines:

  • March 15 for Fall semester
  • October 1 for Spring semester

Brooke E. Sheldon Scholarship

This scholarship supports students pursuing a concentration or focus in public librarianship. General eligibility requirements apply (see requirements listed above).

Margaret May Caffall Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship supports School of Information full-time students with financial need. The amount varies. General eligibility requirements apply (see requirements listed above).

E.A. Cheves Scholarship

This scholarship supports outstanding School of Information students interested in careers in small libraries such as the library in Miami, AZ. The amount varies. In addition to meeting general eligibility requirements (see requirements listed above), you must be an Arizona resident.

Alice B. Good Scholarship

This scholarship supports outstanding School of Information students interested in public libraries. The amount varies. In addition to meeting general eligibility requirements (see requirements listed above), the applicant must be an Arizona resident.

Margaret F. Maxwell Scholarship

This scholarship supports students interested in cataloging and is merit-based. The amount varies. General eligibility requirements apply (see requirements listed above).

Fay and Lawrence Clark Powell Scholarship

This scholarship supports outstanding non-resident School of Information students with a background in humanities. The amount varies. In addition to general eligibility requirements (see requirements listed above), your must be enrolled full time during the term of the award.

Dr. Arnulfo D. Trejo Memorial Scholarship

For students of Hispanic/Latino/Chicano/Mexican American descent enrolled in our M.A. in Library and Information Science program.


Apply Online

Non-University of Arizona Scholarship Opportunities

Friends of the Green Valley Library Scholarship

This scholarship is for any employee of the Pima County Public Library seeking their Master's degree from the University of Arizona's School of Information. Applicants do not need to reside in Green Valley. All applications must be postmarked by April 30. Download the application form

Medical/Health Sciences Library School Scholarships

The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona continually and vigorously supports the recruitment of outstanding candidates to the profession of health sciences librarianship. One scholarship of $1500 is awarded annually to an excellent School of Information student who has shown evidence of interest in pursuing the health sciences specialization in librarianship. Application deadline is Dec 15. See application details.

Knowledge River Funding

Students in our M.A. in Library and Information Science program with a commitment to serving Latinx and or Native American populations may apply to the Knowledge River program. Each year, Knowledge River selects a cohort of students who receive opportunities for academic support, specialized advising, cohort support, participation in a cohort-based learning community, mentorship, access to the 200+ Knowledge River alumni, and professional development activities.

Funding is also available for a limited number of  Knowledge River students. Funding comes mainly in the form of Graduate Assistantships, which allow students to gain practical experience in libraries and other information environments.


Learn more about Knowledge River

Other Funding Sources

We encourage students with unmet financial need to apply for additional support from the UA Office of Student Financial Aid. They offer need-based funding for graduate students including scholarships, grants, waivers, loans and work study.

You can also explore other funding sources and discounts on campus and from outside organizations: