"Community Privacy Technologies", presented by David Sidi
Bio: David Sidi is a PhD candidate in the School of Information (iSchool) at The University of Arizona. His work focuses on technologies that improve group privacy in the long-term, sometimes trading off personal privacy in the short-term. He works collaboratively across the University, including recent projects at the Center for Quantum Networks, and the Center for University Education Scholarship. See his website for more: http://u.arizona.edu/~dsidi/.
Abstract: Is it possible to make information privacy technology less selfish? In more than 50 years of shared history between information privacy and networked personal computing, privacy technology has sought to protect the individual’s personal information piecemeal. Privacy, however, is sometimes more important to others in your community than it is to you: you may recognize others to be vulnerable to harm in a way that you are not if their privacy is violated---think of survivors of intimate partner violence whom you may know; gay people living in countries that make homosexuality unlawful; or more quotidian examples, such as young people with a need to explore to develop their understanding of themselves and the world. What form might technologies take that aim to coordinate a strategic distributed community response to privacy needs, and when might they be adopted? In this talk I present a series of projects undertaken with collaborators from around the University to address these questions, and their implications for the future of information privacy."