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Anton Burkov

Director and Principal Attorney of the human rights NGO Strategic Litigation Center

Anton Burkov

Dr. Anton Burkov, LLM (Essex), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Director and Principal Attorney of the human rights NGO Strategic Litigation Center where he litigates strategic cases, organizes online training, and teaches. In 2019 he started an online school ECHR-Navigator on bringing cases to the ECHR. As of today, ECHR-Navigator ( offers courses on issues of bringing cases to the ECHR, UN organs, and national courts run in 3 languages (Russian, Ukrainian, and English) with more than 300 alumni from 4 countries. Since 2021 ECHR-Navigator cooperates with the University of Arizona’s online MA in Human Rights Practice. Courses offered by ECHR-Navigator are counted toward Certificate and MA at the University of Arizona.

In cooperation with his colleagues and volunteers (including the University of Arizona, Utrecht University, the University of Quebec in Montreal, and global law firms), he has been litigating cases in Russian courts, including the Russia Supreme and Constitutional Courts, and the ECHR. He was involved in the following most recent cases such as Burkov v. Google (IT and privacy), Mikhaylovav. Russia (free legal aid), Sablina and others v. Russia (secret organ harvesting), Korolevs v. Russia (rights of prisoners and their families to conjugal meetings and artificial insemination), Tiunov v. Russia (modern slavery). He has authored numerous publications, the latest are Todd Brower, Anton Burkov (eds.) “Strategic Litigation of Public Interest Cases: US and Russian Best Practice", Moscow, 2020 Available for download in Russian at; a chapter “The Use of European Human Rights Law in Russian Courts” in Eds. Lauri Mälksoo and Wolfgang Benedek, Russia and the European Court of Human Rights: The Strasbourg Effect (Cambridge University Press), 2018.

Dr Burkov received the highest legal prize in Russia, the FEMIDA award, “for contributions toward the creation of a democratic society and the development of state legal institutions.”