Webinar on "Gender-Based Violence on College Campuses: Centering Survivor Voices" -- Tuesday, October 5, 2021
The University of Arizona’s Consortium on Gender-Based Violence, along with the Human Rights Practice Program, will be hosting a webinar on gender-based violence on college campuses focused on centering survivor voices in the creation of response programs and holistic prevention approaches.
A discussion with experts focused on centering survivor voices in the creation of response programs and holistic prevention approaches.
Click here to register
Our Distinguished Panelists:
* Fabiana Diaz - author, survivor activist and advocate working with End Rape on Campus;
* Juliette Grimmett - founder of the Chrysalis Network, a consulting service that helps organizations to respond to and prevent gender-based violence;
* Sav Schlauderaff - a queer, trans, disabled Ph.D. candidate in Gender & Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona;
* Nancy Chi Cantalupo - an expert on Title IX, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence in education with 20 years of experience as a researcher, campus administrator, victims’ advocate, attorney, and policymaker; and
* Jennifer Wies - an anthropologist whose focus revolves around structures of violence, including her research and advocacy with victims of gender-based violence.
For additional information email: Shelby Bedford (slbedford@email.arizona.edu) or Amalia Mora (amaliacmora@email.arizona.edu).