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Exciting Fall Courses

July 24, 2018

The Human Rights Practice Program is offering 3 Courses for the first 7.5 weeks in Fall- Courses start August 20.

  • HRTS 510: Advancing Human Rights Law taught by Seanna Howard, who has specialized in indigenous rights in the Inter-American human rights system. Seanna is currently actively involved in several major cases including representing the Dakota Access Pipeline water defenders.  
  • HRTS 597A: Exploring Human Rights through Virtual Field Trips taught by Mette Brogden with assistance from Bill Simmons. Brogden and Simmons will compare migrant journeys from West Africa to Europe with those from Guatemala to the United States. This course includes guest lectures that provide on-the-ground perspectives from both routes. 
  • HRTS 596A: Human Rights Crises taught by Bill Simmons with assistance from Saleh Ahmed. This course will focus on the Rohingya situation in Bangladesh.  Saleh is spending part of the summer in Bangladesh and he will interview members of the Rohingya, displaced communities, government officials, NGOs, and scholars. He will be recording many of these interviews and shooting footage in the camps.  Saleh's special expertise is on climate stress and migration so he will have a very interesting perspective on how that is affecting the Rohingya.  This course will include video guest lectures, including one of the leading gender experts in Bangladesh. Note: this is a two-credit course.

The Human Rights Practice Program is offering 2 Courses for the second 7.5 weeks in Fall-Courses start October 11th

  • HRTS 501: Advancing Human Rights taught by Leonard Hammer. Hammer has about 20 years of experience consulting for and working with human rights organizations in many different countries. This course includes video guest speakers and recorded interviews from a range of key stakeholders from the UNDP and other organizations. 
  • HRTS 595A: Human Rights Across Contexts will be taught by Phyllis Taoua. This course will focus on African Freedom struggles. This coincides with the publication of Phyllis' new and very important book African Freedom: How Africa Responded to Independence. Taoua is already lining up many key players from the liberation struggles as video guest lectures. This is sure to be a really cool course!